just because it happens doesn't mean it is right. Around here they
talk about the pobrecito excuse -- poor little thing. Since it's alive
and well at the school my kids would attend if I didn't homeschool, I
have strong feelings on the subject/


On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 10:51:27 -0600, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dana wrote:
> > Be more racist to be for affirmative action in my opinion.
> >
> Affirmative Action is not racist in that it doesn't assume, for
> example, that all blacks are stupid.  What it does is to try to
> address a disparity, which is a good thing in principle.
> Many private schools will do this to get diversity in their student
> body.  For example, a 1600 SAT and 4.0 GPA won't get you into Harvard
> - you need more if you're white, but maybe not if you're black.
> One institution's goals may differ from another, however.  For
> example, one school may want only the best and brightest and so the
> measures should not include race.  Another school may want a diverse
> group of the best across races so they may consider race (the best
> Asians, the best blacks, the best whites, etc.)
> An engineering school may not care about race, but they might want
> more women so they drop a male student with better credentials in
> favor of a female.
> Public schools and firms, however, should be meritocracies.  You can't
> legislate that though.  Everyone will be discriminated for something
> so if you don't get what you want somewhere, leave.

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