most AA programs I am familiar with are back east and target blacks.
If there are others I suggest that similar comments might apply.

Here in Albuquerque there is a lot of discussion about why certain
schools test poorly, the usual reason given by the schools being that
most of the kids are Spanish speakers. I am not aware of any
affimative action on this basis though, just excuses that let the
schools off the hook. However the socioeconomic pattern still
prevails. The schools attended by the old families that arrived with
Cortez do a lot better than the ones attended by the children of
recently arrived day laborers. This only makes sense if you think
about it.


On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 11:35:16 -0500, Won Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dana wrote:
> > I know, I am answering myself here -- but I wanted to add that an
> > affirmative action program that was based on zip code or high school
> > attended would not only imho be perceived as fairer, it would help
> > most of the same people who are helped today. Most of the ones that
> > need the help, that is.
> >
> > It would also be important that a college affirmative action program
> > include mentoring or some other form of support for the students it
> > recruits. As of fairly recently and probably still today, blacks had a
> > huge drop-out rate from the University of Maryland. Is it fair to
> > recruit people who didn't have a good chance and put them in another
> > situation where they don't have a good chance?
> >
> > Dana
> Dana,
> Affirmative Action is not just for African Americans.  I have written
> that many times.  Even if you are convinced that race is the only
> factor, then where do Latinos and Native American Indians fit into the
> picture?  You are excluding a lot of people that may benefit from AA.
> --
> 2004 - The year $184M couldn't buy a pennant.
> Ron Artest: Extremely flawed, very accidental, semi-martyr

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