CNN was founded in 1988 and was the only 24-hour news show in the US
for many years. It was always very biased, still is.
Around 1987 Rush started his radio career. Now you claim Rush made it
us vs. them but it was the legacy media that did it. Rush came out
representing the conservatives that had no voice.

I do agree that most news channels are for entertainment purposes but
I wouldn't put too much faith in Jim Lehrer, I like him somewhat but I
also see the bias.

On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 13:27:57 -0600, Gruss Gott  wrote:
> > Brian wrote:
> > Is FOX's subtle lean to the right so much more atrocious than every other
> > news networks subtle lean to the left???
> >
> I think we should all stop ghettoizing ourselves into "left" and
> "right" since, IMO, there isn't any such thing.  That's an invention
> by the media industry to get customers for their advertising.
> There really isn't that much "news" that's compelling enough for
> people to watch so the News programs first started adding celebrity
> type stuff.  This is where shows like Access Hollywood came from.
> That didn't work so well, but then Rush Limbaugh helped them discover
> "us and them" manipulation: have a strong opinion about something and
> then create a cult around "your side" by saying anyone who disagrees
> is on "the other side".
> This got viewers and subscribers so the 24 News networks began filling
> in the 23.9 hours of non-news with analysis.  Analysis then turned to
> opinion, and opinion turned into "bias".  Once you have bias you need
> anti-bias and so on.
> We now have an American population that sees the world through 2 lens:
> "the right" and "the left" because that's what they've learned on TV
> which they spend 8 hours a day in front of.
> If you want real news there's PBS' Newshour w/ Jim Lehrer and the
> weekly Washington Week for political analysis.
> If you watch any other "news" shows then you're just watching an
> infomercial with advertising in between.  The opinion is the product
> because media has postulated that most Americans don't like thinking
> and can't develop ideas on their own.
> The politician loved this development because it gave them a channel
> for their initiatives that 99% of the time were self serving.
> Example
> ------------
> When rich guys wanted to get rid of the Estate Tax to shelter millions
> in assets within their family, the American public said, "Estate?  I
> don't have an estate!  Who cares!"
> So the rich guys hired pollster Frank Lutz to test words on focus
> groups to find the ones they reacted negatively too.  Mr. Lutz hit it
> big on "death tax".  He found that people felt victimized by a "death
> tax".
> The rich guys then ran this language through all of their media
> channels and pretty soon the average American was all worked up about
> a "death tax."
> Never mind that the Alternative Minimum Tax was penalizing about 10%
> of the population needlessly - all of a sudden the "death tax" on
> $2,000,000 of assets or more became HUGE!
> All of this was explained on The News Hour, but if you were watching
> CNN or Fox you just got a bunch of do-nothings arguing about it.

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