I wasn't angry about the potato famine. I do find it odd that when you
were talking about Palestinians being victims you also mentioned the
potato famine.

Lenny needed to be put to death because he held the mouse too tight.
He loved the mouse. Eichmann was not Lenny, he knew what he was doing
and often bragged about it. Just because he didn't hate Jews doesn't
mean he wasn't evil. There's no way get around the fact that he was
evil and he was a Nazi.

Churchill claimed the people in the towers sent the Iraqi children to
their deaths by not stopping their government, Like Eichmann the Nazi
sent millions to their death.
Eichmann is known as the Chief Executioner not a dumb patsy. So why do
you insist Churchill didn't really mean they 9/11 victims were like
Churchill also called the victims the intellectual elite that chose to
let it happen, not idiots that were just following orders.

As of Socrates, it's been ten years since I read Plato so I may be
wrong but I see no connection. Socrates claim was the people not
involved with politics were unfit to vote. Socrates had the option of
arguing for freedom of speech but chose not to.
I don't see the tie-in with a mass murderer.

Are we done with this yet?

On Wed, 2 Feb 2005 12:09:41 -0700, Dana  wrote:
> Sam
> Considering that you went from "angry about the potato famine" to
> "anti-Semite" in the blink of an eye I don't know what to make of your
> assertion that Heidegger was a Nazi. If so I am not aware of it, but I
> don't know squat about the man. If anyone else knows I'd appreciate a
> rational voice on this. Otherwise I guess I'll have to look it up. But
> it's a side issue.
> I don't believe you have read the book. It was not a defense of
> Eichmann. It concluded that he deserved to be put to death..
> Along the way it expressed some very complex thoughts about the
> capacity of most people for evil. It is this that it is best known for
> and this, I think, that Churchill was referring to when he called the
> people in the twin towers Eichmanns. His argument actually derives in
> a straight line from Socrates and the hemlock and although I disagre
> with it and with the language in which it is presented,  is pretty
> respectable in its logic.
> Nor am I in any way shape or form defending Eichmann or anyone else
> that commits mass murder. I resent the allegation that I would want to
> and frankly that thought makes me doubt your sanity. Get this
> straight. If  I say a post may upset you this is not an invitation to
> read it. If you must read it anyway think before you call me vile
> things. Try to stay connected to reality, and preferably leave me out
> of your thoughts.
> Thank you.
> Dana

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