
Going back to one of my earlier posts, I believe it was proven that a
merchant ship was involved in carrying explosives that were used in an
african embassy bombing not that long ago.

Personally, I find the possibility of launching a small short range
missile (with some "dirty bomb" characteristics) off of a merchant
ship (or some kind of ship) much more likely.

A) Merchant ships have dropped off X amount of illegal immigrants and
the like over a long period of time, mostly undetected.

B) Large terrorist organisations would certainly have much easier
access to all the required materials, unlike stealing and launching
nukes (although still not impossible).

C) I've heard one report that Al Quaeda already does control some
merchant ships. (Used in the african embassy bombing)

All of the necessary items needed to launch a short range "dirty bomb"
off the coast of a major city from a ship is more likely than not
already in possession of these groups.

Protecting the waters should be a very high priority (for both
countries). In my opinion.

Take the example of multiple short range dirty bomb attacks coming
from some ships that are practically undetectable, and you've got some
pretty large problems. There are many coastal cities.... could
potentially be worse than one long range missile.


On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 17:46:24 -0700, Dana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Canada is an ally of the United States but that does not mean it has
> to agree with every one of its harebrained ideas. Not wanting a bad
> missile system on your soil does not mean you don't intend to fulfill
> your actual treaty obligations.
> Dana

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