##| From: Deanna Schneider 
##| Um....I'm guessing Erika will weigh in on this one, too. 
##| But, my husband doesn't know shit about the hardware store. 
##| If he goes, it's only because I've left him a note with 
##| detailed and explicit instructions for the exact thing he's 
##| looking for and where it can be foun and generally the 
##| approximate price he should expect to pay.

Home Depot <drools> power tools! <drools> FRESH LUMBER!!! <drools>
OMG I'm all turned on now ....

I ADORE home improvement anything. I used to love helping put building
together on the farm and taking care of my car.
Gives me a deep sense of satisfaction :D

Why we even learned how to install an electric circuit since we moved
into the new house!
Plumbing is a breeze!

And I do the same thing.. If I can't go to home depot myself ... I send
Phil with details and he goes and asks the home depot guys and
eventually comes home with what we need.

Home Depot <drools> power tools! <drools> FRESH LUMBER!!! <drools>

I have fabulous plans this year.
Container gardens
A great big workbench with lights and shelves
Stripping the wallpaper in the guest bath and painting

Home Depot.
The smell of it just excites me ...

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