camo? I have seen the CRS on the metro but they were in uniform. But
they are military police kinda I think (usually used for riot  control
at the time) so it sounds plausible. Michel-Ange if I recall correctly
is the stop for the Boulevard St-Michel, heart of the Left Bank, near
the Sorbonne, lots of street people. Strikes me as possible that there
was some sort of disturbance on the train that was arriving.

There was one particular station that was notorious for robberies,
central Paris, Right Bank. Very long lonely distances between
platforms, so long they had these conveyor belt thingies. Might have
been Chatelet???? It's been a long time but that is a structural
problem that may still exist.

What I did like about Paris was that there were a lot of lines,  ans
you rarely had to walk very far to get to a station.

But this was also true of London and I am not aware of a crime problem
in the Tube. I could of course just not be aware of it. But when I was
there the thrills and chills came from all the signs warning you not
to touch unattended packages. The IRA set of several bombs in the
Tube. Yes, it was a while ago.


On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 18:03:27 -0600, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dana wrote:
> > Oh well... If we are going ouside the US, yes, Paris for one has a
> > very complete metro system.
> :knock, knock: yeah, it's pretty safe, but I had 1 scary moment though:
> 1.) My wife and I were standing on a platform (Michel-ange) all alone
> when a guy shows up in camos with no insignia wearing a sidearm.  He
> looks all around the platform and then leaves.  We thought he was some
> type of cop just checking for winos or something since he didn't give
> us a second look.
> About 30 seconds later he comes back, but this time with about 10
> other similarly dressed gentlemen who he directs to fan out on the
> platform and then he unsnaps his sidearm.  All the while he never says
> a word to us and we're the only other people in the station.  In fact
> he completely ignores us.
> At this point my wife and briefly discuss asking him what's going on,
> but we can hear the train coming and we see all of the dudes staring
> intently up the tracks.  Well, we decided it was time to get the hell
> out of there so we left at almost a run.  Outside were 3 paddy wagons
> with more guys but we kept going, grabbed a cab, and headed back to
> our hotel north of there.
> We never heard anything on the news.

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