I didn't tell you what my opinion was on gun control.

I was just pointing out that if people want to hurt people, they will.

No matter if they can get a gun or not.


On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 15:37:35 -0600, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yves wrote:
> > Yeah, if all things that could be  used in a killing had to be highly
> > regulated (laws), there wouldn't be to many freedoms left.
> >
> The point is that guns are *only* designed to kill.  That's why most
> people shoot at targets with silhouettes of people on them.
> To take your logic in a different direction, why shouldn't I be able
> to buy a SAM launcher or some plague?  After all, I'm responsible
> right?  Heck, maybe it should be my RIGHT to tinker with a MIRV'd
> ICBM.  ICBMs don't kill people ...
> My opinion is that anyone that wants a gun for hunting should be able
> to have one but not without a college degree along with a 2 year
> progam degree in some type of Wildlife management.  Then you'd need a
> permit for each type of animal you'd like to hunt and the permit would
> be a 3 month course on that animal.
> All degreed hunters would be able to escort 1 un-degreed hunter or
> their kids up to 3.  The degreed hunter would be responsible for their
> behavior.
> You'd need some type of grandfather clause, but after that you'd
> probably get rid of most of the morons.

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