That is a function of the lens.  IIRC the higher the focal length of the lens 
the narrower the dept of "in focus" area; or is it the other way around.  It 
has been too long for me. 

Ian Skinner
Web Programmer
Sacramento, CA
"C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
- Cynthia Dunning

....-----Original Message-----
....From: Deanna Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
....Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 8:23 AM
....To: CF-Community
....Subject: Re: I see you!
....That one didn't need a login for me - it's a great pic!
....Are you using a digital camera? One thing I've never been able to
....figure out with the digital camera is how to get the "main" subject in
....such sharp focus and have the further ones blur a bit. It always seems it's sort of the "constant focus" where everything is focused the
....same amount. Maybe that's a function of our camera, but it's a decent Of course, now I can't remember which one. Dang it.
....On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 11:16:07 -0500, Erika L Walker-Arnold
....<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
....> I didn't realize it asked for a login.
....> I thought it was a straight URL to get in to the pic.
....> Sorry.
....> is a GREAT site however.
....> Really fabulous free online photo sharing app.
....> So people that are into that sort of thing should really check it out.
....> I took the pic of my eyes, fooling around at the supper table last
....> with the camera. I like to take pics from table height, it offers a
....> different perspective. I got some gross ones of our friend chewing his
....> meal. LOL I deleted them though.
....> Another trick is to take pics from waist level or below ... Camera in
....> had, just aim in the general vicinity of what you are trying to shoot
....> and take the pic. It's trial and error until you get good at estimating
....> which way the lens needs to point.
....> I took this photo that way:
....> Although I bent over a bit to get closer to the ground, I did not look
....> through the viewfinder.
....> And yeah, that prolly needs a login too. Sorry to those that can't see
....> it. :(
....> Cheers,
....> Erika
....> --------------------------------------------------
....> ##| -----Original Message-----
....> ##| From: Ben Doom
....> ##|
....> ##| Wow.  Your eyes really jump out of that one.
....> ##| Had to bugmenot the site to get in, though.  :-(

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