I've seen upwards of 300 bands and there are very few that I care to see 
anymore but Pink Floyd is right there on the top of the list of bands that I 
still want to see. 

Here are the Bands that I've yet to see that I would still love to see.
Pink Floyd
Iggy Pop
Lou Reed
Bob Dylan
Eric Clapton
Smash Mouth
Moody Blues
Lovin' Spoonful (I might get to see them in Lodi next month)

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2005 3:47 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Exchange of Services

My best concert was The Wall :P

On 4/14/05, Ken Ketsdever wrote:
> Talking Heads may have been the best concert I ever attended.  Irvine 
> Meadows, 1983, Stop Making Sense tour, David Byrne comes out with a barstool, 
> acoustic guitar and a boom box and starts playing Psyco Killer.  Slowly the 
> band joins him one person at a time. At some point band members start leaving 
> one by one, next thing you know the Talking Heads have transformed into Tom 
> Tom Club, then they make the transformation back to the Talking Heads.   
> Awesome show!

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