> For me, I can't live with that.  If I can stop it, I'll stop it.  The
> same goes for birth control.  While it'd be nice for everyone to be
> perfect they're not and if my actions condemn millions to death then
> maybe I'm the immoral one despite my high moral ground.
> The needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few and all that.
> Granted all of this is philosophy, but it's interesting and something
> I haven't figured out.

"while it'd be nice for everyone to be perfect...."

Aha....this is how I was able to reconcile and stomach all the dogma I was 
hearing from the Church. All of their beliefs and teachings and stances on 
these moral issues are really being done from a "best case scenario" sort of 

I don't see how the action of stressing abstinence over contraception is 
dooming anyone to anything. I think what people would like to hear the 
Church say is "We want you to abstain, but if you DO have sex, use a 

Well....the church really can't come out and say that, and I don't think 
they should. They teach what they believe is the correct and moral 
action....if you choose not to follow that, the church can't really be 
giving you advice on the best way to live in sin.

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