> Dana wrote:
> you're stuck on that. He was apparently her most distant caretaker, so
> how could he possibly know whether the diagnosis was correct?

Ray - he's such an instigator.

Anyway, yes I'm stuck on the fact that I think it was his decision
right or wrong, diagnosis correct or incorrect.

You seem to be saying that it should be his decision as long as it's
"right".  However that means it's not really his decision, it's up to
some type of review committee.  My point is that I don't want the
government in my marriage which means that I'm risking my wife making
the wrong call on a bunch of things:

* Career moves,
* Health care choices,
* Financial choics, etc.

She may screw up on many of them, but I picked her and so I've had my
say.  If that means she pulls the plug on me when I may have recovered
.... well ... so be it.

The last thing I want is the precedent set of having some type of
group morality imposed on us by the government.  Read that as I'm
socially liberal - I don't want the gov't in my private life.

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