Way to go! Congratulations! And there is great rejoicing!


On 5/5/05, C. Hatton Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I teach part time at ITT Tech, mostly Database Design and some
> electronics courses.  I got my schedule for next quarter as well as
> the rewritten textbooks.
> I'm teaching two IT courses, Database Systems Design, Implementation
> and Management and Web Authoring and Scripting.  The web authoring is
> for a group of students that I know are already *way* beyond the HTML
> and CSS of the book so I've been given permission already to work
> ColdFusion and "other" languages into the course.
> Then I get my new database book - and lo and behold they've changed
> the text over and it now includes ColdFusion in the text and tow CD's.
> On one of the CD's there is a trial edition of CFMX as well as an
> education version of MSSQL Server 2000.
> (*Boggles*) There is a chapter on web scripting in the database
> class... and the only language it references is ColdFusion!  ROCK!
> Hatton

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