OK, didn't you argue bicycle lanes are pork and a few weeks later say
it was a great idea to cut down on fuel use?
No matter what he does he's wrong in your eyes so who cares.

On 5/6/05, Gruss Gott wrote:
> Lordy, if you're still trying to argue that Mr. Bush has been a good
> steward of our country's resources, well, that ship sailed years ago.
> Mr. Bush is one of the worst spenders in history and his current
> economic advisor thinks Americans save too much (at a whopping 0.6%
> and dropping).  Enough said.
> But just for laughs, dig up some of that "consumption economy" stuff
> and post it.  It's so similar to the "new economy" arguments from just
> 5 years ago it would be hilarious if people didn't actually believe
> it.

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