>>And what would be the purpose of punishing such a person in a cruel
manner, what would it accomplish?

>>Teach him a lesson so he won't do it again?  Locking him up for the rest
of his life also prevents him from doing it again, probably much more
effectively then any other choice except death.
Right, and we all get to pay for his expenses for the rest of his miserable
life. Why dont we also cut him a payroll check every month while we're at

>>Use him as an object lesson to others considering such a crime?  But
people who do this kind of thing don't sit down and 
>>think about the consequences before hand.

I bet they would if they knew they were gonna have to endure hours of agony
before a horrifying death. Maybe some wouldnt, but alot would. Certainly
better deterrent then a needle in the arm and off to sleep. Or life behind
bars, with access to all kinds of things their victims never will.

I think when you try to deal in a "civilized" manner with those who are not,
by their very nature "civilized" the risks, to them do not seem all that

>>Make one feel good that he got as bad or worse as his victims?  What does
that say about one?

This "one" would feel a bit better about the crime knowing that that fucker
screamed and cried before he pushed off, just like his daughter probably

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