> My big problem was that all of the clips you mentioned seemed like
> pre-rendered.  It may have been rendered dynamically - who knows, but the
> actual action (dramatic, unplayable camera angles and such) just felt
> pre-rendered.

Now that you mention it, everything besides GR3, Tony Hawk Wasteland,
and the actual gamplay of PDZ looked like a demo/cutscene. But that's
what they all (Nintendo, Sony, MS) do for commercials, so I guess it's
no different for an infomercial. Punks.

> I'm still more excited about the PS3 than the XBox 360 and I'm damned
> curious about Revolution - but I've liked nearly everything I've seen about
> the 360 so far.  I'll be getting one at launch.  ;^)

I've been looking forward to seeing what the PS3 is capable of, but I
think Microsoft has a better understanding of what I want out of a
system and the ability to deliver it in the long run. Nonetheless, my
fanboy allegiance is up for grabs as of right now.


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