They just usually pass on the shoulder then. :(

On 5/13/05, Ken Ketsdever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think Ian has been with me when we've had this happen.  If I am going to 
> follow the rules and good etiquette by damn everyone is going to do the same.
> I straddle the lanes about half way into the merging lane and half way into 
> the closing lane to keep people from passing me buy gutter fucking me in the 
> closing lane.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Skinner
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 1:20 PM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Top 10 Super Rant (was Friday Rant)
> +several orders of magnitude
> When this happens to me, I start trying to figure out some kind of traffic 
> control device that will rise up from the lane division line, closing these 
> people off from merging.  How much of the lane is closed off would be 
> dependant on how fast or slow the overall traffic is going.  The slower the 
> traffic, the more closed off.  There are significant technical challenges to 
> over come, but I just think that would be thing ever to come along for 
> traffic.
> --------------
> Ian Skinner
> Web Programmer
> BloodSource
> Sacramento, CA
> "C code. C code run. Run code run. Please!"
> - Cynthia Dunning
> .....-----Original Message-----
> .....From: Eric Carlisle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> .....Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 1:14 PM
> .....To: CF-Community
> .....Subject: Re: Top 10 Super Rant (was Friday Rant)
> .....
> .....This one really chaps me...
> .....
> .....On a highway, there's a sign for an upcoming lane closure.  People in
> .....the "to be closed" lane don't merge into the open lanes.  They wait
> .....until they're 10 feet away from the lane closure and start signalling.
> .....The last-minute merging, or course, leads to hella delays.
> .....
> .....Trying to be a sport, I get in the open lane somewhat early.  As I'm
> .....putting ahead slowly (as traffic has allready been slowed), there are
> .....still the jackasses that zoom by in the "to be closed" lane -- thinking
> .....they're saving themselves time, when it's actually just wasting everyone
> .....else's.  I'm fuming in the car, saying "If that dude eventually signals
> get in my lane,  I'm not gonna let him in".
> .....
> .....But it's usually the car ahead of me that waves in 10 or so of these
> .....asses, rewarding their obnoxious behavior.  At this point, I'm about to
> .....pop.
> .....
> .....Eric
> .....
> .....Duane Boudreau wrote:
> .....
> .....>I'll add one or two of mine to the list.
> .....>
> .....>1. Assholes who think it is perfectly ok to flick their cigarette butts
> .....out
> .....>the window of their car door. You've got an ash tray in your car use it!
> .....>
> .....>2. Assholes who mistake the yield signs on on-ramps for speed up and cut
> .....>many cars off as possible signs.
> .....>
> .....>
> .....>
> .....
> .....
> .....
> .....

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