>Your value, though, is not the math background; it's how you add value
>to something that's already being done.  For example, computer
>programmers can easily lose their job to India with or without a CS
>degree.  A good IT manager, however, is not so easy to find and a CS
>degree can help you become one.

I don't believe for a second that school is a necessary component of business 
success. Can it help? Sure. Is it required? Hardly, just look at the U.S. 
software industry. 

Jane Jacobs has a great critique of higher education in her book, "Dark Age 
Ahead". Basically she says universities have given up true education in favor 
of "credentialing". 

>The US cannot compete with any job that's "neo-manual labor" such as
>programming or accounting and keep its  standard of living; the market
>has other plans for those jobs.  It used to be that you couldn't get
>the education to do those jobs if you weren't western.  That's over.

Forget that. How about we outsource the CEOs for 10% of their salary? 

Flash for programmers - Flash MX Pro

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