No thanks, had too many scary experiences with setting fire to alcohol...
Not really much of a whiskey drinker (unless it's really nice Laphroaig
which is more like nectar from the gods than whiskey :-] )

> -----Original Message-----
> I'll stick the Jack Daniels thanks, I don't like alchohol that tastes like
> sweeties.
> If you really want to get drunk fast set some whisky on fire in a small
> glass tumbler, blow it out after 3 or 4 seconds so it's only
> really warm all
> through.
> Put it all in your mouth while it's still warm and hold it there, don't
> swallow and breath in through a straw for as long as you can, then hold it
> as long as you can.
> Be careful though. And don't say I didn't warn you.
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