all I can tell you is that Stanford's rationale is that these are kids
whose instructors have *not* been teaching to the test, and thus are
more likely to be innovative thinkers. And you are quite right,
ironically, homeschoolers tend to ace the tests anyway. When they were
required to take competency exams in New Mexico, they were
consistently in the top three groups in the state. Probably why they
were excused :P it got embarassing.


On 5/22/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dana wrote:
> > um. Missed this at the time, but sorry, you don't know what you are
> > talking about. Stanford in particular *likes* homeschoolers. There is
> Plainly, homeschoolers are risky because they haven't proven
> themselves in a campus setting so while they may be able to do well
> enough on the couch, what's going to happen when they're under the
> pressure of having to attend classes with other students and compete?
> Top universities have one main question: is this kid going to graduate
> and go on to donate money or give us recognition?
> Homeschoolers are a wild card because they're unproven AND because
> their metrics aren't easy to compare.  You make a good point that
> going to community college can shore up both of those weaknesses but
> then it introduces a new one: now the kid will have less than a full
> program at the college, and top colleges don't like that.
> Believe me, I'm not dogging home school; I'll probably do it myself,
> but there's a reality to it.  Homeschoolers are an unknown quantity
> and while they may rock a standardized test their academic record is a
> wildcard.

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