How did you shoot golf balls out of it?  That sounds dangerous - and fun!

Michael T. Tangorre wrote:
>>From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>I had one of those in college.  We went to the grocery store, 
>>bought all kinds of fruits and veggies, then went into the 
>>basement of the house were living in, got stoned, and shot 
>>them at the wall.  It was awesome! 
>>  We had a huge fruit and veggie salad all over the floor by 
>>the time we were done.  Good times.
>>Man, I miss those days...and my potato gun!  Where the hell 
>>did that end up?
> HAHAHA! Reminds me of college. I went to Alfred University for undergrad
> which is carved into the side of a hill. The gym and football fields are at
> the bottom of the hill off in the distance. My freshman dorm sat on the top
> of the hill with my buddies dorm room facing the gym and field. We stole
> about 5 backpacks full of food from the dining hall and sat in his room
> launching cheeseburgers, grapefruits, hotdogs, mac salad, etc with a 3-man
> water balloon launcher!!!!!!
> We then got the bright idea of launching golf balls. Well they go pretty far
> when you hit them, now imagine how far they go when they are propelled by a
> 3-man launcher. We sent them over into the hills by Alfred State (SUNY
> Alfred) which was at least a half mile away!!

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