Part of it is due to Dem ineptness, but i also think there has been a 
genuine shift to the right among the US population in recent years. Put the 
two together, and you've got a GOP stronghold.

I wouldn't strut around too much though....Dem's won't remain in disarray 
for long, and shifts in any direction are always followed right on the heels 
by shifts in the opposite direction. By 2012, we'll probably be back in the 
hands of the libs.

> Here's a riddle for you :)
> If the Dems are so smart why do they keep losing? The Presidency,
> Congress Senate and Governors.
> As long as you keep thinking we're idiots we'll keep winning.
> Hehehehe Some people just can't learn :)
> At the rate the Dems are going they won't be a major party in 2012 and
> it'll be the Republicans against the Independents or Libertarians.
> Then we can work on getting back to a balance of power. Today's Dems
> make it too easy for the GOP to own the country. And I agree that is
> sad.

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