You know what man, I used to agree with you completely, but I mean stop 
and think about it.  Where would we be today if the colonists had not 
shown their discontent with and resentment of the crown?

I'm not saying we need another revolution right now, but we're in a 
pretty bad place in this nation as far as civil rights are concerned, 
and I won't even go into taxes, the size and scope of government or any 
of my other hot button issues.

Maybe a little righteous anger is what the government needs to see.  If 
burning a flag is an individuals means of expressing that anger than so 
be it.  I mean at least it's actually a political expression, which is 
what the 1st was really meant to protect, not something like virtual 
kiddie porn which the 1st has been way too broadly interpreted to protect.

Essentially the way I see it we are supposed to be a nation based on the 
idea of individual liberty.  What this means to me is that I can do, own 
, possess and use anything I want, so long as it doesn't impact on the 
individual rights of another CITIZEN (going back to the Cuba thread :).

So I guess my question is really what does it hurt?

Do as you will so long as you harm none.



Tony Weeg wrote:
> im sorry, but im wholly against burning the flag.
> free speech has a line, and for me it stops at the first stripe!
> tony
> On 6/23/05, G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Well i think it is a crock of shit......but i have a question: Isn't
>>lighting something on fire in a public street....against the law anyway? No
>>matter what it is?
>>>So the Supreme Court says it's legal, but House Republicans are
>>>deciding to play politics and trying to create some type of patriotic
>>>litmus test that they can point at during the next election.
>>>Is flag "desecration" really a problem?  No.  It's insulting to our
>>>troops that our legislators are spending time on this crap.

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