LOL...I should really turn on my spell checker at home....that was just 
plain awful!

Ray Champagne wrote:
> You know, it's funny.  I am anal about the wierdest things.  At home, I 
> am pretty messy around the house.  My wife would cetainly attest to 
> that.  :)  But, my tools and my toolshed have to be just so, same thing 
> with my desk (and desktop) at work.  I just can't do work in a 
> messy/unorganized enviornment.  I swear I have a touch of ADD, and 
> anything that's a mess just makes it 10X worse.
> Can one be both anal and messy at the same time?
> Tony Weeg wrote:
>>would this be considered a slight bit ocd?
>>i know that im the same way...
>>outlook --> firefox --> homesite --> ws ftp ---> photoshop -->
>>enterprise manager --> query analyzer
>>and then anything else, is just after that last one... and i have a
>>quick launch that is nearly as organized, with the mandatories "show
>>desktop, calculator, my computer, ff, ie, hs+, ps cs"
>>:) gotta love anal mother effers
>>On 6/23/05, Ray Champagne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Didn't think so, but figured I'd ask.
>>>Oh well, maybe this enhancement will make the Longhorn release.  Ha Ha!
>>> I kill myself!
>>>Jim Davis wrote:
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: Ray Champagne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 8:48 PM
>>>>>To: CF-Community
>>>>>Subject: silly Windows question
>>>>>Is there a way to rearrange the toolbar at the bottom of windows?  In
>>>>>other words, I like to have my minimized windows at the bottom to be a
>>>>>certain order while I'm working (ie, HomeSite, then ThunderBird, then
>>>>>FF, etc), but if I open them in the wrong order, or if I accidentally
>>>>>close one of the windows, it gets all out of order.  The only way I know
>>>>>is to close all windows, then reopen them in the right order.  Is this
>>>>>I'm using Windows 2000, BTW.
>>>>No way that I know off - and I want one as well.
>>>>After you use something like AvantBrowser for a while that lets you change
>>>>the position (simple drag and drop) it gets really irksome that you can't do
>>>>it in the OS.
>>>>(Oh, and I'm constantly trying to middle-click a programs taskbar entries to
>>>>close it.)
>>>>Jim Davis

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