They simply suffer the same problem that many large organizations of their 
ilk do. They receive disproportionately large monetary donations from a 
handful of people. These people have their specific agendas. Some are good, 
some are suspect. The organization sees that the money is used to further 
these agendas.

Why give my money to that? I much prefer smaller organizations where I've 
got a better idea of what my money is ACTUALLY going towards (local animal 
shelters are my favorite).

When the ACLU takes up the side of a cause I agree with, they have my 
support....getting the 10 commandments out of government offices, for one. 
But I just can't justify a continual monetary donation to them.

And I'm not sure I agree with your ascertion that you have to go "over the 
top" to get normal stuff done. When an organization starts going "over the 
top", they start to trivialize themselves in my mind (PETA for example).

> Please remind me again of your objections to them.  Some of the stuff
> they pursue is, granted, a bit over the top but then it seems you have
> to be a bit over the top to get the normal stuff through.

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