> but this says everything about journalistic integrity, and fair, balanced 
> reporting doesn't it <smirk>

Rush has never claimed to be a "journalist".  He is a radio show host
and a political commentator - not a journalist.  His show is billed as
a radio talk show, not a news cast.  He references other publications
and news services and actually comments and opines on the contents of
the stories as well as the events of the day.

journalist: a person engaged in journalism (which is defined as
writing designed for publication in a newspaper or magazine b :
writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description
of events without an attempt at interpretation)

commentator: one who gives a commentary; especially : one who reports
and discusses news on radio or television (commentary is defined as a
systematic series of explanations or interpretations or an expression
of opinion)

The biggest thing to remember is that when a person is giving their
opinion on the news they are a commentator.  When they are reporting
the news as a factual basis it is journalism.  Problem is that so many
journalists will include their commentary in with their journalistic
effort that the news becomes this skewed caricature of the truth.


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