We were actually looking at Argentina. But the government, fascists,
communists, and generally not nice people kind of ruled it out.

On 7/6/05, Matthew Small <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You guys should move to Charlotte, NC.  The traffic isn't too bad, there
> seems to be plenty of jobs, it doesn't snow much, and we bought a house on
> 2.2 acres about 10 miles from uptown (the city) for $200,000.  Charlotte is
> one of the fastest growing cities in the US, and is the second largest
> financial district in the US, behind only New York.
> Matthew Small
> Web Developer
> American City Business Journals
> 704-973-1045
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael T. Tangorre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 9:58 AM
> To: CF-Community
> Subject: RE: Here's a depressing little article
> > From: SStewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > The DC area is nuts, and Northern Virginia is the worst. I
> > have a three bedroom 30 year old two level condo (piggyback
> > end unit) that's about three miles from the subway and 395
> > and the Capitol Beltway. I bough a year and a half ago for
> > $217K, Fairfax County tax appraisal came in last year at
> > $245K. An interior unit in the same neighborhood went for $289K.
> >
> > I'm expecting to sell for around $325K with some interior remodeling.
> > Having said that in order to buy a decent house (four
> > bedrooms with a real yard) I'll have to move about thirty
> > miles southwest (taking into account commute) and spend at
> > least $300K for a house.
> >
> > We need to buy within the next year before the prices become
> > unaffordable farther out.
> The Montgomery County MD prices are just as bad. Right now my wife and I pay
> more in rent than we would on a mortgage for a $350,000 home... the problem
> is that in our area you can't find a $350,000 home in an OK neighborhood....
> it's not uncommon for people to scoop up the lower priced properties and
> demolish the current structure and build a fortress. Besides pissing away
> rent, renting is not such a bad deal at this juncture... we have covered
> parking, a gym, a pool, business center, and no maintenance worries... I
> think I'd rather own a home though and not share walls.

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