> I guess by "purists" you mean the book readers who are
> looking for a straight on-screen interpretation. In that
> aspect, I agree. If that's how it unfolds in the book,
> it should be done as such on screen.

> But us non-fantasy folks shake our heads when such silly
> tricks are used to shore up the plot. Tolkien couldn't
> figure out how to destroy Isingard (i think i have that
> name right, with butchered spelling i'm sure) using
> believable aspects/characters of the story, so he invents
> walking trees to do it. I know such things are the
> life-blood of fantasy story telling....which I guess is
> why I'm not a fan of it.

I believe Tolkien was both a historian and an expert of folk-lore. He
didn't invent the ents -- they're a much older idea than Tolkien. As
with dragons, elves, dwarves and I suspect hobbits (brownees -- who I
heard were a short-statured group of humans who built burrow-like
homes in ... Scottland I think is what I heard... but of course the
effect of rumor over time turns them into something other than human).
The difference is that the stories fo the ents aren't as popular as
the stories of these other creatures, so unless you're a bit more
familiar with the history and the folk-lore, Tolkien's work (or work
based on Tolkien's work) is likely to be your first or only exposure
to the idea.

> A similar trick was used at the end of Return of the
> King, with the ghost warriors. Why would a ghost, who
> can't be killed, be reluctant to fight a battle to
> regain their honor? Makes no sense....the ghost warriors
> should have been flesh-and-blood outcasts risking real
> life and limb to regain their standing.

And they could have worn kevlar and used M-16's and drove Humvee's for
that really gritty-real feeling. :-/

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
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