How hard is it to get animals across the border into the US?  I tried to 
bring some plants back once from Ireland, and got quite a hassle.  Can't 
imagine what they do about dogs...


Erika L Walker-Arnold wrote:
> ##| -----Original Message-----
> ##| From: Ray Champagne 
> ##| 
> ##|   He/She isn't looking all that chipper!
> ##| 
> LOL!
> That's Charlie! She's totally chipper. She's "roaching" or laying on her
> back, totally relaxed.
> Took her a long time to do that - she's generally very skittish in
> nature - but once she knows you or is used to her surroundings then she
> chills right out.
> We got both our greys from Wimbledon Raceway in England - the adoption
> kennels were right next to one of the race kennels there.
> "Rescue" is a bit of a misnomer sometimes. The US is almost at 100%
> adoption, so there is a very STRONG support system in place for
> greyhounds here. In Europe and other countries that is not always the
> case.
> Both of our dogs, while skittish, were very much loved and doted on and
> well taken care of.
> Woody (the brindle) was an open racer and did very well.
> Charlie never made it out of trials. She had lost a toe as a puppy and
> came to us when she was 1.5 years old.
> We love em to death but they do take extra special common sense. :)
> Cheers,
> Erika

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