no that was great. I think that if I were newly diagnosed with
diabetes I would find it quite helpful


On 7/8/05, Ben Doom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But getting back to Jerry, lacking persdonal experience with this all
> > I can say is that from what I can see from friends who do is that
> > compliance alllows a very normal life, whereas trying to tough it out
> > is a mistake.
> I'm currently on a very regular diet.  I eat basically the same thing
> for breakfast and lunch every week day, and I'm careful about portions
> at supper and before bed.  But this doesn't mean that I can't
> occasionally have something considered "outside" my diet.
> An original glazed Krispy Kreme has 22g of carbohydrate.  I normally eat
> 45 for breakfast.  So, if I ditch half the carbs from my normal
> breakfast, make sure I get something substantial with my morning protien
> in first, and take my insulin before I start on the donut, I'm okay --
> once in a while.  This does cause my blood sugar to spike, but not
> catastrophically.
> A few weeks ago, I really really wanted candy.  I took half the bread
> off my sandwitch at lunch, forwent the chips, and ate a measured amount
> of candy slowly over a couple of hours.
> Last Monday, I went to a friend's place and had dinner.  It was
> significantly larger than what I typically eat.  I upped my dosage of
> insulin to what I thought would cover it (based on a decade of practice)
> and was sure to check my blood sugar before bed and the next morning.
> Consistency in diet with diabetes is important because it lets you set a
> baseline and figure out how your body reacts to different foods, how
> much insulin you need, etc.  It also means that you're not constantly
> having to think, calculate, and guess about your medication.  But being
> occasionally, carefully inconsistent is OK.
> Wow.  That was pretty long winded.  Um...  Sorry?
> --Ben

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