On 7/8/05, Gruss Gott wrote:
> What options did you consider?
> Of the ones I can think of it's about the worst.  How about securing
> Afghanistan?  

I'm not qualified to answer this. Maybe Tim can chime in, is it even
possible to secure Afghanistan?

> How about putting full force behind capturing Osama Bin
> Laden?  

I though we tried this. Now he's hiding in caves with extremely
limited communications. Isn't someone else running al Qaeda or what's
left of it? Are you sure we can find him even if we put the entire us
military on the Afghan border? Again I'm not qualified to answer.

> How about reserving our lives and money for a real threat
> from, say, North Korea or Iran - 2 nations that claim to have WMD vs.
> Iraq which denied it.

You mean to sit back and wait for them attack us? I don't even think
North Korea is a threat. They might just want money.

> In a nutshell, Iraq was a gamble that:
> 1.) We'd be welcomed with open arms,
Some did but not all. Agreed a miscalculation.
> 2.) Democracy would blossom fast,
I don't remember the fast part but it is happening. We must be patience.

> 3.) That democracy would spread throughout the Middle East,
Still might, we must be patience.

> 4.) The WMDs we were sure they had would be taken off the market, and
Aren't they off the market? :)

> 5.) The quick defeat would show the world how strong and smart America is.

I thought it did. Now the people that don't like us think we're to
powerful and need to be taken down a notch.

> Not a single one of those goals happened.

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