On 7/27/05, Gruss Gott wrote:
> Here are my requirements - are they really so tough:
> 1.) Don't take my money.  Clean up the tax code, dump the Pork, and
> engage charity.
How do you dump the pork and get anything done? 
Engage charity? But not religious charity?
I thought Libertarians felt charity is up to the individual not the State.
Or by engage did you mean eliminate?

> 2.) Don't take my liberty.  Just protect my pursuit of happiness and
> stay out of it unless I get in way of someone else.  If you want to go
> farther, drugs and prostitution are health problems not criminal ones.
>  Save us all a lot of hassle and legalize and regulate them.  And stay
> the hell off my property!
Yes but drugs and prostitution breed crime. Would you prefer the
government take over the drug and whore trade?
Serious question. Do you think they can be regulated in a safe uncorrupt way?

> 3.) Don't take my local gov't.  You're in Washington, stop trying to
> make local decisions.  Get out of abortion, drugs, prostitution,
> religion, education and anything else that the states should work.

If the Federal Government left abortion to the states then most of the
south would ban it. That would hurt the poor in those states.

> I think McCain would be that best at doing nothing which seems to be
> the best we can hope for.

Doing nothing doesn't work in DC. It's a give and take game and if you
play it right it won't be a disaster. Look at Bush 41, he bet on the
Dems support and didn't get it. They made him a lame duck for three

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