##| From: Kevin Graeme
##| It's not a big deal, but sometimes I've just thought it 
##| would be nice to be able to think of this list as a small 
##| gathering of friends hanging out at someone's pad rather 
##| than sitting in a public square with a bunch of microphones around.

Well said.
I do agree - I am also very hesitant to say much around here and tend to
*try* and err on the side of Google caution and simply say nothing at
all these days.

I really feel there is no reason for the Community list to be spidered
at all. It's not like HOF doesn't already have thousands upon thousands
of pages indexed from all the tech lists :)

The UK CF community has a list that is not open to the public, and is
actually invite only - we don't need invite only - but not being able to
read the posts unless you are logged in is pretty cool.... If you use
the web interface.

But I know Mikey is always swamped - so perhaps this can go on a nice
wish list :)

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