No surprise that we're building long-term bases in Iraq. We we asked to vacate 
Saudi Arabia, Kyrgyzstan is asking us to leave, Qatar is an unknown in my mind, 
and Turkey screwed us in 2003. (Well, they screwed themselves out of $10 
billion, but it's all about us, right? ;-) )

I think it has always been in the Pentagon's plan to establish long-term bases 
in Iraq. Every place we have ever fought a significant action, we have 
established long-term bases. And we have a habit of not vacating. Ever. The 
places I can think of that we have totally vacated: 

- Phillipines (by request)
- Saudi Arabia (by request)
- Vietnam (by U.S. decision to abandon the South Vietnamese)
- France? (I'm not sure we ever had long-term bases there after WWII)

Can anyone think of other places the U.S. has totally evacuated after a 
long-term military presence?

>That's nice.  We're going through some nasty BRAC changes around here 
>(one of the region's biggest employers is a Nuke shipyard nearby), yet 
>we have shitloads of money to build bases in Iraq.
>Fuckin' A bubba
>Dana wrote:
>> the US is building 20 "enduring bases" in Iraq to the tune of some $200 
>> million
>> by the way, this is not a quizz, it's a question. These are factoids
>> gleaned from sources I believe in enough to ask the question but not
>> enough to accept as fact yet.
>Ray Champagne - Senior Application Developer
>CrystalVision Web Site Design and Internet Services

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