> i know its not cf, but this i can use pretty
> much for free, with out reling on the server
> to support the data or server side tech.

How are you planning to use xsl for forms to update the site content
without using a back-end server? ...

I'm becoming more involved in XSLT as a medium for providing layout
and site-building features... I'm actually working on a blog right now
as a sample application for the framework, and one of the features of
the blog (but not of the framework) is that the layout for the blog
(skinning) is all done with XSLT on a relatively simple XML packet
stored in the database. So any layout changes (navigation on the left
instead of the right, etc.) can be handled with a quick browser-based
update... I was working with this some last night - coming along
pretty nicely I must say... but all the XSL transformations still
occur in CF on the back end.

s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

add features without fixtures with
the onTap open source framework


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