> Thanks all who replied, I have read your opinions and will be sharing them
> with the directors in a meeting later today where they will be completely
> ignored and a new, previously undisclosed, crap logo will be selected. 

Why is that? I see it all the time, you have 3 or 4 good
ideas/logos/business plans, no-one can decide which one out of those good
ones to choose so they "compromise" and pick the worst example they can
find. Then they spend the next few weeks/months rubbishing the
idea/logo/plan that they had previously championed ensuring that the entire
company has complete "buy in" on the bag of cr*p that was finally picked.

"That [abc] doesn't completely reflect the values we want to instill into
our business as set out in our mission statement" or 

"It just wasn't a good business fit" - What does that mean???

Even worse... "Our company is like a Lotus Elise, the [abc] is like a
Trabant, if you see what I mean" - No, quite frankly.... I don't!

And how about this.... "It's more cost effective to spend £10,000 on [abc]
with [xyz] than it is to spend £7,500 on [abc] with [uvw]." - How? It's the
same product with the same support and warranty!

At some time or other over the past 10 years, I have heard all of these
meaningless justifications and more so that a sales or middle management guy
can defend what seems to be an indefensible position. Senior management go
for it and then wonder why it all falls apart 6 months later... They were
warned but they don't remember that and you end up having to go in and
rescue the situation. Fun. Nothing is better than telling them it won't
work, sitting back and watching it not work and then having to clean up
because it didn't work and no one has a clue as to how to fix it....


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