:)))))) =*-)

Serry... i din't meen to call u a pervue, bt now u r sayin i exrtapolat?
Sometimes I overscope and it cases me 2 get mad so cd u plz speak gud


PS -- No joke -- I have gotten emails from users typed VERY similar to
the one above.  EGADS!

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 4:48 PM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: CF-Negativity

You misquoted my understanding.  I wasn't referring to yourself as a 
pervue. How did you ever extrapolate that from my message context?  I 
think that you need to refer to your encyclopedic reference so that you 
know what I am talking about when you are talking.  I like to use a 
thesaurus to reference when I need a quick reference to the part in 

How would you handle the situation that situates itself in the way of 
modern progress on the dawn of the new millenial overscoping?  I would 
like to hear what you would have to think about that.


Michael Corrigan
Endora Digital Solutions
630/942-5211 x-134
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Vinny DiDonato 
  To: CF-Community 
  Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 3:17 PM
  Subject: RE: CF-Negativity

  i dun geb it......

  Y do u tawlk al offishal likE/?

  i am not a pervue... Yopu're a pervue

  -----Original Message-----
  Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 4:00 PM
  To: CF-Community
  Subject: Re: CF-Negativity

  I think that the proclamation set forth by the party of the first part

  was an ambiguous effort at prosteletyzing about the millenium nuance 
  factors that play a serious role in participating in the violence 
  culture of the underground while wearing your pants backwards.

  Furthermore, it's not the pervue of that entity to wax philosophical 
  about the party of the second part to reign in the misunderstanding of

  the diabolical forthrightedness of the enemies of that guy over there 
  who runs through all of great britain with only a pair of boxer briefs

  and a horse named Dave because the temperate nature of global 
  incarceration is warm today.

  Oh no!! It is only the means to the beginning of the end when you 
  generate enough circumference to be centripetal in your ways only to 
  find out that the xbox was really the gamecube wrapped in a PSX2 
  regardless of the forces lined up to lay the smack down on Jar Jar by 
  Billy Dee and all the kings horses (all named Dave) and all the kings 
  men (ordered in by Todd) to stop that infernal blubbering.

  Finally, it takes a conversion to get the correct temperature to make 
  cyber muffins but only one person knows how to convert it and the 
  one uses the mental telepathy that they acquired via higher education 
  and a large brain to make the party of the third part use various 
  of telecommuniportation to whack people with muffin pans when they get

  out of line.  Not to mention the futility of the masses to convert 
  judeo-islamic freedom readers to the liberative teachings of Big Ben 

  his giant Fort O' Solitude in the Grand Canyon Islands in the Arctic 
  regions of the Arabian Sea.

  Can't we all just get a long walk down a short mountain top?

  That's all I have to say about that....humph.

  Michael Corrigan
  Endora Digital Solutions
  630/942-5211 x-134
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Greenwood, Erin E. 
    To: CF-Community 
    Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 1:31 PM
    Subject: RE: CF-Negativity

    u r funey!

    That some people (who shall remain unnamed) are trying to sound all 
  big and
    important by misusing words that they don't understand and can't 
  spell. But
    I was trying to be subtle. Hee hee.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Vinny DiDonato [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 2:20 PM
    To: CF-Community
    Subject: RE: CF-Negativity

    >> it is so riddled with typos, words used in wildly inappropriate 

    Wut r u triing 2 sa?!


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Greenwood, Erin E. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
    Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 1:19 PM
    To: CF-Community
    Subject: RE: CF-Negativity

    Yea, what he said.

    It just seems, sometimes, that everything devolves into the same
    -- no matter what the original topic was. Everyone always argues 
    original viewpoint, no one's opinion ever changes, and all that gets
    accomplished is the "fun" of arguing and, maybe, alienating some 
    And a few people (really only a couple) send the same long,
    semi-literate, error-riddled diatribes every time. Or at least it 
    as though they are the same each time. Even if I was interested in
    trying to read through this stuff, it is so riddled with typos, 
    used in wildly inappropriate ways, and long, drawn out sentences it 
    impossible to get through. I don't even try anymore. My eyes glazeth

    On another note:
    It is 74 degrees in December in DC. This must be that global warming
    'they' keep talking about. Yesterday it was warmer here than in 


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Cameron Childress [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 10:38 AM
    To: CF-Community
    Subject: CF-Negativity

    Why don't we start a new list?  CF-Negativity.  Seriously, if I 
    this I would still read usenet.


    Cameron Childress
    elliptIQ Inc.
    America's Leading Community Network Software

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Neil Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    > Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 10:31 AM
    > To: CF-Community
    > Subject: RE: We bombed ourselves again :-(
    > a smart bomb, guided in to hit the troops it was being guided by?

    > hmmm, its amazing some of these people can dress themselves....



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