Amen. Preach it. 


On 8/8/05, Loathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Who would have thought that the court would allow local government to
> seize your land for economic gain?
> Who would have thought that the 16th Amendment would be able to get the
> support of all the states and the legislature?
> Who would have thought that we Americans would put people into camps
> based on race?
> Who would have thought that we would use US against non-violent protesters?
> Who would have thought that the Reserves and National Guard would have
> to bail out the active duty services?
> Who would have thought that the FBI would be able to request your
> reading list without a warrant?
> Who would have thought that a sitting president would have his staff
> burglarize an opponents office?
> Who would have thought that the US would start assassinating people
> again (not that I am against this)?
> I mean seriously.  All these things have happened at one time or another.
> Tim
> Robert Munn wrote:
> > Anyone who seriously thinks such a plan could pass in Congress, be signed 
> > into law by the President, or be upheld in federal courts needs to examine 
> > the root causes of their extreme paranoia.
> >
> > You don't even have to go into any of the details of the plan to find a 
> > Constitutional objection. On its face, such a plan would require forced 
> > medical procedures on the entire population. Do you seriously think that 1. 
> > courts would uphold the legality of the medical procedure or 2. doctors 
> > would agree to perform the medical procedure on the ENTIRE population?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>Mmm..Came up with this all on his own did he?
> >>
> >>Tactfully ignoring that the idea has been bandied about several times,
> >>and pushed hard by Verichip itself and mentioned by other members of
> >>the current regime in the US.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>If you can't see the negative implications of this for Privacy, then
> >>you have no concern for your privacy.
> >>If you can't see the implications for abuse, and violation of civil
> >>rights, then you have no concept of civil rights, and I wouldn't know
> >>where to begin explaining them to you.
> >>
> >>There is a Clear and Obvious difference between a Card that you must
> >>show when requested, and a chip that can be used to broadcast your
> >>location and whereabouts without your knowledge.
> >>
> >>To those that said it's a 'low power' signal that can not be tracked,
> >>this has already been proven to be patently FALSE in recent threads
> >>about RFID technology. It CAN be tracked by receivers of the correct
> >>power and it CAN be tracked from a great distance and even easier if
> >>there is a network of these receivers.
> >>
> >>If one cannot understand why dictatorships and totalitarian regimes
> >>would love to have every member of the populace tagged and bagged then
> >>one is under some rather rosy misconceptions about dictatorships and
> >>totalitarian regimes.
> >
> >
> >

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