I'll second that. I lived less than a mile from that building when it burned 
down. The fire was started in the middle of the night right next to a very 
densely populated area. It was pure chance that no one was seriously hurt or 
killed. If the wind had started blowing west during the night while that fire 
was raging, it could have killed hundreds or even thousands of people before 
anyone even woke up.

If they ever find the a-holes who set that fire, I hope they lock those rat 
bastards up and throw away the key.

>Try telling that to my neighbor who had parts of his apartment melted
>as a result in an ELF attack in San Diego a couple of years ago.  This
>fire was so severe that it MELTED parts of the apartment building I
>just moved out of.  Yes, this is the same San Diego that nearly burned
>down last year because the area is so suceptible to wildfire that the
>whole city caught fire.
>While I am not privy to knowledge of most domestic terror threats (are
>any of us?), I am all for hunting down these people who claim to be
>proving that they are great defenders of the environment by not only
>causing a huge fire and filling the environment with polutants, but
>who also threatened a very densely populated and fire-prone area with
>widespread damage.
>Make no mistake, if this fire had managed to combust the apartment
>building that it "only melted", there would have been serious problems
>putting out the multiple fires that would have been triggered as a
>ELF is definitely a terrorist organization and definitely puts lives
>at risk in their activities.  Just because they have been lucky so far
>doesn't mean that they will next time. Lives could definitely have
>been lost in the fire - not only of the firefighters who fought the
>blaze, but also my friends and neighbors.

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