Actually from what has been coming out from the various media outlets
about Michael Brown and the other top people at FEMA. Its becoming
quite obvious regarding the degree of Brown's incompetence. Apparently
he's really been padding his resume:

This snippet is quite revealing:

FEMA's top three leaders -- Brown, Chief of Staff Patrick J. Rhode and
Deputy Chief of Staff Brooks D. Altshuler -- arrived with ties to
President Bush's '00 campaign or to the White House advance operation,
according to the agency. Scott Morris, the third in command until May,
also had no disaster experience. Two other senior operational jobs are
filled by a former Republican lieutenant governor of Nebraska (David
Maurstad) and a U.S. Chamber of Commerce official who was once a
political operative (Daniel Craig).

Time Magazine also weighs in on Brown's experience, of lack thereof,
raising new questions about whether the White House bio for Brown
mischaracterizes his work in Edmond, Okla. Time reports that Brown was
assistant to the city manager in the '70's, not assistant city manager
as his White House bio says, and did not have oversight of emergency
services as the bio claims.

"The assistant is more like an intern," a city spokeswoman told Time.
"Department heads did not report to him."

More Time: Brown's lack of experience in emergency management isn't
the only apparent bit of padding on his resume. Under the "honors and
awards" section of his profile at www.FindLaw.comexternal link, he
lists "Outstanding Political Science Professor, Central State
University". But Brown "wasn't a professor here, he was only a student
here," says Charles Johnson at the University of Central Oklahoma
(formerly named Central State University). "He may have been an
adjunct instructor," says Johnson, but that title is very different
from that of "professor," Time reports.

A FEMA spokesperson said the Time report was "misleading" and said
Brown was unaware of what the White House bio said."

Love that integrity in the political appointments of the Bush
administration. It looks like its coming back to bite him in the ass.

Time has a detailed analysis of the man's experience, or lack thereof:,8599,1103003,00.html

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