The Israeli army was going to on request of the Israeli government but there 
was a strong push against it as a holy place is a holy place. Ask any religious 
leader and they'll give the same answer. 
There were official requests to the Palestinians to control their own people 
(yeh, right) and respect them but the Palestinian troops stood by watching. 
There were official requests to the UN but the UN is silent when it comes to 
repect for Israel or Jewish property/life/etc.
There were official requests to the Americans but what can they do. 
End result was an orgy of destruction centered not on signs of Israeli 
government institutions but on signs of Judaism. This is a religious war. 
Always was, always will be. They want Jews and Judaism dead. 

The entire world would be up in arms if a single mosque was ever destroyed by 
Jews, but....

> Weren't the Israeli's asked to demolish the synagogues themselves, 
> but
> decided against it at the last minute?  At least, that's the story
> I've heard.  You could almost reason that the Israeli's set it up to
> play out this way.
> On 9/13/05, Michael Dinowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I want to thank the Palestinians for showing the world that this is 
> a war against the Jews, not for land. The first thing they do when 
> Israel pulls out was to go and destroy every Synagogue. Not destroy 
> military bases. Not destroy government buildings. Destroy places of 
> Jewish worship. 25 of them in a single day.
> > 
> > And the world is silent. The UN is silent. The Pope is silent. I 
> wonder if the world would be silent if they destroyed 25 churches in 
> one day. Or will the media simply ignore it like they did the 
> anti-Christian riots last week.
> > 
> > Oh, and within hours of Israel officially leaving there was a rocket 
> attack. Something no one seems to care about.
> > 
> > 

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