So your supporting that any church, mosque, synagogue, etc. should be torn 
down when the people are gone? What of grave yards? Why not move the bodies 
when the decedents are not 'local' anymore. Where's the line, if there is 
Point is, there is a recognition in religion that a holy site is a holy site 
and is not to be desecrated. At least that's the civilized approach to the 
issue. At the beginning of Islam, there was respect (at least on paper) for 
the religions of others, especially the Jews and Christians. This changed as 
Islam grew and they instead appropriated the holy sites of others. This 
changed again when they instead just left the holy sites of others alone. 
There are still synagogues in Iraq where Jews were forced out years ago. 
There are synagogues in Poland where Jews were killed off years ago. There 
are even synagogues in Spain after we were forced out by the inquisition. 
The Palestinians orgy of violence is not the sign of civilization. It's not 
the sign of hate for the state of Israel. It's a sign, shown again and 
again, of a hate for Jews and Judaism.

> isnt a temple just a building, when there are no longer any worshipers in
> it?
> i do belive in the sanctetity of a building, but with out the congregation
> to inhabit the structure, it is as lifeless as a stone...

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