So lets see if I understand this correctly. 
 The Palestinians did not destroy government buildings or military bases. 
Both of which they would need for the administration and secuirty of their 
 They did however destroy synagogues. how many Jews now live in these areas? 
Or right, none. So how useful are those synagogues? Oh, I guess they are not 
 So they kept what they needed and destroyed what they did not need. And 
they world is not up in arms over this? How can it be?
 how to handle the synagogues was a touchy issue that was going to leave 
someone unhappy. They probably should have been moved. Feasibility well 
that's another question. But it would have be the most politically 
acceptable solution. The Jews who worshipped there would have had the peace 
of mind that their houses of worship still existed and could be accessed 
etc... And the Palestinians wouldn't have to keep up buildings that they 
would never use. 
 By the way, what happened to the Mosques that were in these areas prior to 
the Israelis taking control?
 Michael, I know its hard to believe but the entire world isn't out to get 
you, all the Jews or Israelis. Yeah, there are some that are, they should be 
treated harshly. However, the over dramatization of each and every situation 
gets old and actually takes away from your arguements and cause. 
 The Jews will not eliminate all their foes, nor will their foes eliminate 
them. They've been fighting for what seems like forever. They've been at it 
since the inception of modern Israel (1948?). Let's try a new approach. 
Let's try compromise and see where it gets us. Its a new approach and it 
will have its ups and downs (destroying synagogues etc...), but whats the 
alternative? Continue to fight and kill each other?
 Nobody has really tried a peaceful solution. Now that Arafat is gone let's 
give it try.

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