>> And about the only bit of artistry you'll ever see from a mime.

Ah, you haven't seen "The Aristocrats" yet, then?  :)

- Jim

Larry C. Lyons wrote:

>I disagree, watch his mime routine of a man shaving with a hangover.
>That was true artistry.
>And about the only bit of artistry you'll ever see from a mime.
>On 9/14/05, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>I figured this was probably a good time for me to listen
>>>to one of my favorite little bits from Red Skelton,
>>>concerning the Pledge of Allegiance. Seems awfully
>>>prescient given todays events:
>>>Link to the audio snippet is near the bottom.
>>I have a really tough time imagining how some crack-addicted
>>revisionist gets from "for which it stands: one nation, indivisible"
>>that "one nation" means "so blessed by god". And I'd have given Red a
>>verbal slap for it too... plus he was never funny... not once in his
>>whole life...
>>s. isaac dealey   954.522.6080
>>new epoch : isn't it time for a change?
>>add features without fixtures with
>>the onTap open source framework

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