Not a valid comparison. Single case design studies are like group
experimental designs turned on their head - instead of one observation
from many cases, single case design studies use many observations over
time on a single case.

Moreover the USSR was so fundimentally different than what currently
is under discussion that its not a valid comparison.

Lets try a better one. The US Census maintains ongoing economic census
results broken down by location (for instance or It shouldn't be
too difficult to extract the data, using the Census Bureau's tools to
extract the necessary data and do the analysis using SPSS or similar
program, comparing those areas with a living wage law and those
statistically equivalent locations that do not . The most recent set
for distribution is the 2002 economic census. The first DVD is
currently available for $300, however the same data is also available
online from the census - just harder to obtain.

In other words I'm suggesting that the needed analysis is very similar
to Robert Pollin's analysis, just done on a multi state/multi region
basis over a 5 to 8 year period centering around the implementation of
the living wage law. That should give enough data for both a baseline
and intervention period, and a comparison to those places that do not
have such a law.


On 10/3/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Larry wrote:
> > Single cases don't make a trend.
> Let's try this case: USSR.
> If you pay someone more than they're worth, but enough to keep them
> from making a change, the majority won't change.  That's basic human
> nature, and the point has been solved decades ago.  It goes like this:
> (A.) One the one hand there's the viewpoint that if the gov't doles
> out money based on "morality" rather than market forces then society,
> on the whole, will be better off.  Unfortunately they discovered that
> gov't is made up of people who can't shake the profit motive so
> corruption becomes rampant and the whole thing implodes.
> (b.) Then there's the capitalist side which says that all humans are
> driven by a profit motive (it's right after basic food and shelter,
> but before security and s3x).  However most people, beyond a certain
> point of wealth become benevolent.  That is, capitalism relies on
> using a fundamentally destructive quality of human nature, greed, and
> turns into a wealth building enterprise.
> So, this debate has already been solved: earning is better that taking
> what's not earned.
> What you're questioning is the disparities in wealth that can occur,
> specifically among the poor.  This is due to a few causes:
> 1.) Physically/mentally unable to compete.
> 2.) Lack of knowledge on how to compete (how to analyze market forces,
> education, etc).
> 3.) Lack of resources to compete (rural, Internet, cell phones, time,
> materials, etc).
> 4.) Lack of will to compete.
> Point #1 cannot be solved and society must bear those costs.  Points
> 2, 3, and 4 can all be solved with the right policy however, as is
> implicit, minimum wage does nothing to solve any of them.  As I've
> been saying, MW only masks the symptoms of points 2-4; it's does
> nothing to solve them.
> Therefore what's needed is some clever policy to actually SOLVE the
> problem rather than treat the symptoms.  I've previously detailed some
> ideas.

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