well, not in the sense that it is usually used in education, but they have a
special need -- they need to learn english. Some of them however actually
score quite high if provided with bilingual mterials, apparently.
 They have just as much in common with adhd children as to the blind or the
deaf imho...
 my .02

 On 10/6/05, Gruss Gott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Cam wrote:
> > I'm also not sure why you think that there would not be schools and
> > programs for handicapped, hyperactive, and non english speakers.
> > There would be - as the market demands them.
> >
> Well, it'd have to be a bit more than that for special needs kids as
> some areas couldn't have a whole school just for special needs.
> That argument, however, is throwing out the baby with the bath water.
> The vast majority of kids would benefit and many smart kids that are
> trapped in crappy schools would find freedom.
> BTW - the non-english speakers need to learn english first as english
> is the official language in the US. They aren't "special needs".

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