At 01:46 PM 12/13/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Sure if it were just that simple. The point I am making is that the
>countermeasures are cheaper and faster to implement than the defense system.
>Consider this scenario, lets say the system works 99.99% of the time. This
>means that in order to get through the defense system with an effective
>strike you launch more missiles with more decoys etc. It would only take a
>few to get through.

Who would be able to do this?

>Moreover, its far faster and cheaper to adjust a couple of hundred Mylar
>balloons than it is to rewrite the software controlling the system to ignore
>those radar signatures and to build more interceptor weapon systems.

It is early in the development. You have to crawl before you can walk. When 
an ICBM is launched the US will know. They have satellites that cover the 
globe that watch for these things. If a launch happens the missile will be 
tracked until it comes in range of the defence system. If there is a Mylar 
balloon there, they will be able to tell it apart because there will be 
people that man the controls. They will say, hey that is moving pretty slow 
for an ICBM, I bet it is just a mylar balloon, we will scramble some 
fighter jets to look at it.

Now this thing over that is moving faster than the speed of sound, lets 
shoot it down now.

Just a hunch.
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