Good answer.

As for what scientists say -- what do they know?  The best they can do is
speculate, as far as what might or might not work in the future in this
regard.  The only logical path is to try. And any attempt to advance
technical knowledge is worthwhile. Who knows what good things -- both
militarially and civilian-wise -- might come out of such an effort.

The ABM treaty is anchornistic.  The only reason other countries object is
they fear that our military/technical edge, which no country save Britain
even comes close to, will only grow wider. I don't think that can be a
concern for the U.S. in the world we know now. The best hope for world peace
is for the U.S. to continue to build smart weapons.

Unless, of course, there's a coup in the U.S. and some zealot of one stripe
or another grabs power -- then we're all up shit creek.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 9:24 AM
To: CF-Community
Subject: Re: Ouch

We've fought wars on multiple fronts in the past and we can do it again.
 I'm sure there were those that opposed our involvement in Europe
considering that we were at war with Japan, but we did it anyways
because we had an obligation to do so.  Contrary to many beliefs, this
country can walk and chew gum at the same time.  Our military is very
well trained and our Intelligence gathering efforts have been lacking,
but we now see the error of our ways now and we will be able to conduct
the sort of operations that we need to in order to protect the US.  We
can improve our military readiness, improve our intelligence gathering
efforts, and pursue alternative ways of protecting the citizens of this
country..all at the same time.

As for missile defense, it is not THE way to protect America but one of
many means in which to do so.  Iraq couldn't give a rats ass about an
AMB treaty.  Once China gets their weapons up to snuff, they won't give
a crap either.  Pakistan has nuclear weapons.  If the current regime
were to fall into the hands of an organization like the Taliban or Al
Queada, do you think they care about the stupid treaty?  Shall I
continue with North Korea?  None of these countries give a damn about
the ABM treaty except to make a bunch of noise, apply international
political pressure against the US, and do everything they can to prevent
America from defending herself because they really don't want the US the
means to do so.  Why?  Because if she can, then they are left out in the

Before Sept. 11th, no one would have thought that a terrorist group
would have been able to accomplish what they were able to accomplish.  I
mean really think about it...the Twin Towers are GONE!!! Should we
really revert back to that mindset of "well, it probably won't happen so
let's not do anything about it?"  I think that Ballistic Missiles are a
credible threat and should be addressed.  If we ignore them and God
forbid something happens, the same people who are bitching about missile
defense now would be lambasting whatever administration is in the White
House at the time for not doing SOMETHING about it.

Michael Corrigan
Endora Digital Solutions
630/942-5211 x-134
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Judith Dinowitz
  To: CF-Community
  Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 10:52 AM
  Subject: RE: Ouch

  It's just that with the war we're currently in against terrorism, it's
  a good idea to piss off our current allies, like Russia. Why do we
want to
  restart the Cold War? We'd be better off concentrating on building up
  better defenses such as the skills of our own armies/navies/etc., our
  networks to ferret out future terrorist plots ...


  >Lets see, Russia is against the US withdrawal from the ABM treaty, as
  >China, all of the EU, Canada, Britain and all the other NATO
countries. Need
  >I continue?
  >The missile defense systems are simply a waste of money. The various
  >by different scientific bodies have all been anonymous in stating
that the
  >system will not work. Why waste money on a Republican boondoggle.

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