The Society of Computer Professionals has a nice insurance plan for 
members.  I used it when I was a consultant.  Check them out here:

At 12:19 PM 12/14/01, you wrote:
>It looks like the company I was working for last year has gone totally
>belly up. The problem is that I have my insurance through them and they
>have not had the common courtesy to inform me about this. The result is
>that I will not have insurance as of the first of next month.
>Does anyone know of any good plans for a family that are independent of a
>company? Kids go to the doctors an average of once a month and there is no
>way I can afford that out of pocket. I'm looking for something that is not
>to expensive but has good coverage. Any help will be appreciated.
>And for those who have a company and want to put me on their plan as a
>'floating consultant', I'd be more than happy to be just that. :)
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