Dude, that's fantastic.  "Impulse Control Disorder" - with your 
permission, I'm going to use that to describe myself in the future.  It 
fits me perfectly, although I'm not even 1% Italian.

Jim Davis wrote:
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Sent: Friday, November 18, 2005 2:46 PM
>>>To: CF-Community
>>>Subject: rough interview
>>>i just let her know
>>>if you interview other people you may want to let the jr. programmer guy
>>>know to lighten his handshake a bit.
>>>other wise he may get hit.
>>> -paul"
>>>now do you think i should not have said that to the hr lady?
>>>do you think i should have said some thing to the jr. guy right away.
>>>shit if they offered it to me again i would turn them down due to that
> It could have been a lot of things... but having impulse control disorder
> (also known as "being Italian") I probably would have said something.
> Not knowing the person but just keying off of "jr." I can also see how
> somebody may have once told him to "always give a firm handshake" and he ran
> with it.  Ever tell a teenage that a "little aftershave is enough"... same
> kind of thing.  Maybe.
> Jim Davis

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